

Our ethos and values

We believe that schools are ‘The training ground for the art of living’.

As a result, personal development is at the heart of our learning journey and we aim to develop the whole child, fostering positive personal attributes alongside learning mindframes which will enable children to become successful lifelong learners, who contribute positively to society. We have a dedicated and experienced staff who support this, alongside our parental and wider local community.

At Oakridge Primary School, personal development is exemplified through our ‘Oakridge Way’ and our whole school motto: Reaching for the Stars’.  We promote these ideas across our learning, assemblies, enrichment and whole school ethos. 

The roots of our ‘Oakridge Way’ are the personal attributes we promote both around school and beyond our school community.  These are: being kind, well-mannered, trustworthy and respectful. We believe that by focussing on these core human traits we are enabling the roots of our children to flourish, to enable them to fulfil their potential and feel happy, content and valued in their learning community and beyond.

The canopy of the tree displays the four over-arching learning mindframes which we encourage throughout children’s learning across the curriculum. We aim to foster learners who are:

  • Resilient and say ‘I can’ even when learning becomes challenging;
  • Reflective by welcoming feedback, reviewing learning against success criteria and learning that mistakes can be learning opportunities;
  • Resourceful by making links within learning, encouraging curiosity and questions
  • Reciprocal by learning with and from others, understanding the best ways to learn together.

To develop both the roots and canopy of our Oakridge Way, personal development goes beyond the implementation of the National Curriculum.  Our unique learning experiences and well-planned enrichment activities help ignite in children a passion for learning and ensure that they are equipped with the cultural capital to prepare children for life beyond the classroom.   To support this, we visit art galleries; take part in geography fieldwork at Cardingmill Valley; delve into what makes our local area special; go back in time by visiting Stone Henge; enjoy a day at the seaside; camp under the stars together; experience at least 2 residential visits; perform for audiences throughout the school journey; have opportunities to learn a musical instrument; take part in sporting clubs; visit museums and places of historical and cultural interest and many, many other opportunities from Nursery to Year 6.

Mr L Wylde / Headteacher


Contact Us

Headteacher - Mr L Wylde

Oakridge Primary School Silvester Way, Stafford, ST17 0PR

01785 337 300


Mrs Evans - SEND co-ordinator

Mrs D Edwards - School Bursar

Mrs K Brogan - Admin Assistant

Mr D Rust - Chair of Governors

If you require a paper copy of any information from our school website. Please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details above.