Key Information

Attainment Analysis 2023

Analysis at the end of the Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2 shows that over time the 3 year attainment averages against National Expectations and GDS / HS continues to be outstanding and in many areas is significantly above National.

 ‘I want to congratulate you on your school’s outstanding achievement in the 2023 Phonics Screening Check. Your school is in the top 3% of all Primary Schools in the country.’ Damien Hinds Minister for Schools, 8th January 2024.

Foundation Stage

Attainment at the end of the Foundation Stage is outstanding with 87% of the children achieving a GLD which is 19.8% above 2023 national (65.2%).


Y1 Phonics Check 2023 - Top 3% Nationally

  Oakridge National
2023 97% 83%

‘Your particular success in teaching phonics and early reading so effectively means  your pupils are developing a firm foundation, from which they can become increasingly fluent and develop a life long love of reading.’  Damien Hinds Minister for Schools, 8th  January 2024.

End of Key Stage 1 Attainment 2023  – Top 1% Nationally  (Inspection Data Summary Report 2023)

Subject Achieving EXS or above Achieving GDS
  Oakridge National Oakridge National
Maths 93.3% 70.4% 37% 16.3%
Reading 93.3% 68.3% 40% 18.8%
Writing 93.3% 60.1% 33% 8.2%
Reading Writing and Maths combined 93.3% 56% 27% 6.2%

2023 Y4 Multiplication Times Table Check

  Average Score Percentage of pupils who scored 25
Oakridge 23.7 56.3%
National 19.8 27%

End of Key Stage 2 Attainment 2023



Achieving EXS or above Achieving GDS Average Scaled Score
  Oakridge National Oakridge National Oakridge National

Maths –

National Expectation Top 1% Nationally

High Standard Top 8% Nationally

100% 73% 42% 24% 110 104

Reading –

National Expectation Top 8% Nationally

High Standard Top 12% Nationally

91% 73% 45% 29% 108 105

Writing –

National Expectation Top 1% Nationally

97% 71% 36% 13% NA NA

Reading Writing and Maths –

National Expectation Top 1% Nationally

91% 59% 27% 8% NA NA

2019 - 2023 KS1 to KS2 progress

For all mainstream pupils nationally, the average progress score will be zero. A school’s progress scores for English reading, English writing and mathematics are calculated as its pupils’ average progress scores. This means that school level progress scores will be presented as positive and negative numbers either side of zero. A score of 0 means pupils in this school, on average, do about as well at key stage 2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.

A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally. A negative score does not necessarily mean a school is below the floor.

Given the context of very high prior attainment, over time against NE progress is good with 11 out of 12 progress measures being positive.

3 year averages

  2019 2022 2023 3 year averages
Reading Score 2.3 1.6 -0.3 1.2
  Sig Sig+ average average  
Writing Score 1.0 1.8 1.6 1.5
  Sig average average average  
Maths Score 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.6
  Sig average average average  

Contact Us

Headteacher - Mr L Wylde

Oakridge Primary School Silvester Way, Stafford, ST17 0PR

01785 337 300

Mrs Evans - SEND co-ordinator

Mrs D Edwards - School Bursar

Mrs K Brogan - Admin Assistant

Mr D Rust - Chair of Governors

If you require a paper copy of any information from our school website. Please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details above.