


EYFS Intent:

At Oakridge, we believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage is a crucial stage in a child’s development, during which their passion for learning is ignited through an education that is rich in wonder and memorable experiences. Through these experiences, we enable children’s natural curiosity and creativity to flourish alongside the purposeful acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding that are crucial to their future success. Hand-in-hand with developing our children as adept learners, we nurture the special personal qualities that will shape our young children’s characters as they journey through our EYFS and beyond ‘The Oakridge Way’.

Introduction - Mrs Hanlon

Welcome to Nursery, the first of two years of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). During their time in nursery, children’s learning activities and experiences are underpinned by the seven areas of learning and development set out in the EYFS Statutory Framework. All seven areas are important and inter-connected. There are three prime areas of learning which are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

These three areas, the prime areas, are:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development

There are four further specific areas of learning, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. These specific areas are:

  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

The EYFS also sets out characteristics of effective learning which encourage children to develop positive learning behaviours. Nursery also have powerful learning characters whose stories introduce the children to the idea of being a powerful learner by being resilient, reflective, reciprocal and resourceful.


If you wish to speak to the class teacher please do not hesitate to speak to a staff member on the door at the beginning or the end of the morning/day or by telephoning the school office to make an appointment.


Children in nursery will take part in a range of physical activities throughout the week. In addition, they will also have a structured P.E. lesson focussing on the directed teaching of specific skills that will take place on Friday morning and children will need the following:

  • School P.E. shorts
  • School P.E. T–shirt
  • Trainers
  • Jogging bottoms for outdoor activities during the autumn and winter

Please ensure that your child's P.E. kit is always available in school

Home Learning

Whilst home learning is not formally set in nursery, we encourage parents to read regularly to their children and sing songs and nursery rhymes, both of which are fundamental to language acquisition and literacy development. In the spring term we will also hold a phonics workshop for parents to outline our teaching approaches and ways in which parents can support their child’s phonics learning at home.

School Uniform

We are all really proud of the way our children look in school. The vast majority of children wear their uniform with great pride and this is often commented upon when our children are out of school on trips and visits. Please can you continue to support our school uniform policy as not only does it look smart but it gives our school a real identity.

Contact Us

Headteacher - Mr L Wylde

Oakridge Primary School Silvester Way, Stafford, ST17 0PR

01785 337 300

Mrs Evans - SEND co-ordinator

Mrs D Edwards - School Bursar

Mrs K Brogan - Admin Assistant

Mrs S Wilson - Chair of Governors

If you require a paper copy of any information from our school website. Please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details above.