
Year 3



Introduction - Mr Deakin

Hello and welcome to Year 3, the start of the children’s Key Stage 2 journey.  During Year 3 the children mature and develop their independence both as learners and as people. They begin to take further responsibility for their own learning across the whole of the curriculum by using the learning behaviours of ‘The Oakridge Way’ whilst still ensuring that they reach for the stars. We continue to deliver our ‘Disneyland’ curriculum by planning enrichment activities and visits to support children’s understanding and develop their knowledge. These include visits to Stonehenge, The Roman Visitor Centre in Chester and Gladstone Pottery. The children also learn to play a brass instrument in Year 3 during the summer term as a part of our music curriculum. Children leave Year 3 feeling more empowered and ready for the further challenges ahead!   The children will now spend playtimes on the Key Stage 2 playground.


A copy of the Meet the Teacher presentation is available below.

Contact Us

Headteacher - Mr L Wylde

Oakridge Primary School Silvester Way, Stafford, ST17 0PR

01785 337 300

Mrs Evans - SEND co-ordinator

Mrs D Edwards - School Bursar

Mrs K Brogan - Admin Assistant

Mr D Rust - Chair of Governors

If you require a paper copy of any information from our school website. Please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details above.